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Rousey was doing a good job of acting like a babyface over her first 10 months in WWE, but as is the case in pro wrestling, you can’t always get what you want.

The fans will cheer for who they want to cheer for regardless of the booking decisions. Rousey does appear a little frustrated on camera when she isn’t being cheered, but perhaps that is her still just adjusting to things in WWE.

With WrestleMania season officially upon us and things set to be altered right after it, a heel turn for the former UFC Women’s Bantamweight champ might be what the doctor ordered. Here are six reasons why she should just turn heel already.

#6 Her promos have sometimes been hypocritical, backhanded compliments

While it was refreshing to see Rousey reveal that she wanted to face Sasha Banks because she ‘was the heart and soul of the women’s division’, some of her comments on A Moment of Bliss were counterproductive.

She said it would be an honour to beat Banks, which all athletes should say, but when so much stock is put in what you say and how it is represented, words often come across the wrong way. Whether that is intentional or not is a debate for another time.

How else was Banks supposed to react other than to want to fight Rousey? We know Rousey was trying to be complimentary but word choice is important.

We understand that she’s worked hard for her success and that she wants to be the best, but so does every other WWE superstar.

Another weird comment she made was when she called Lynch ’not just the Man, but the Millennial Man’.

That type of dig would have worked if she was 10 or 15 years older like Tommy Dreamer is when he called Eli Drake a ‘skinny jeans wearing millennial’ but for Rousey, she is the same age as Lynch (32).

When she first started as a singles star, she also said she wanted to work her way up, but she was fighting for the Raw Women’s Championship only a couple months after her debut at last year’s WrestleMania.

It isn’t all her fault and some of the blame lies with booking and what she is allowed to say in her promos, but the fact is she is given a lot more slack than the other superstars and has sometimes burned her opponents while also making herself seem petty.

#5 Her ‘friends’ are all heels

It can be argued that Shayna Baszler is the better character in WWE than her friend Rousey. Rousey was obviously more successful in MMA, but in understanding the nuances of the character work in WWE, Baszler nails her heel tactics wonderfully.

Now, of course, someone like Rousey is going to be viewed and booked as a face initially, but hardcore fans who see her as a mercenary like Brock Lesnar will quickly turn on people like that when success comes at the expense of the full-time superstars like Banks, Bayley and the other women in WWE.

It was easy to root for Rousey in her feuds with Nia Jax and Alexa Bliss, but it’s hard to expect the same reaction when you are battling a beloved fan favorite regardless of that Superstar’s alignment.

Baszler has been the perfect heel champion in NXT and her cocky nature has only been magnified by the interference of Rousey’s other allies, Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke.

Duke and Shafir still have a long way to go with their in-ring work but have been perfect in their roles when they interfere in Baszler’s matches.

And although it isn’t in the WWE’s plans at the moment, there is certainly money to be made in a potential feud between the two factions of Horsewomen.

Since all of Rousey’s allies are in NXT and are heels it makes sense to turn the Baddest Women on the Planet into a heel with them since things are already going that way.

#4 Overwhelming crowd support for Becky Lynch

When the crowd chants for the name of someone you are not even feuding with when you’re trying to cut a promo, you know that star is super over the fans.

Becky Lynch routinely receives thunderous cheers whenever her name is mentioned or when she enters the ring.

It’s not Rousey’s fault, but as I’ve previously mentioned, you cannot expect to always get the crowd response you want. The fans will cheer how they want and for who they want.

Since nothing Rousey does will be seen as favourably in her feud with Lynch, even if she is heroic, the crowd will always cheer whatever Lynch does or says.

The next logical step is for Ronda Rousey to embrace the heel side of things and just roll with the punches. It would make things less frustrating for her but she might find that she likes it better.

Crowd reactions don’t always line up with how the WWE intends them to be viewed, like when Lynch attacked Flair after their SummerSlam match and was cheered, so fighting against the stream may only hinder Rousey’s growth as a performer.

#3 Her talk of ‘being professional’ might be a way to align her with Stephanie McMahon/Triple H

When Rousey first debuted with the WWE, it was to oppose her enemies Stephanie McMahon and Triple H who she thought was trying to manipulate her.

It worked well because fans will always cheer against the Authority when they are featured as heels looking to hold people down.

A lot of Rousey’s words were true when she said that champions should be respectful, professional and appear to defend their title against any and all challenges at any time.

But in WWE, when you start to toss around ‘professional’ in an arena where Stephanie McMahon and Triple H are concerned, it sometimes foreshadows an alliance with the Authority figures.

Superstars and athletes should be professionals, but in WWE, that can often mean ‘corporate’ and it often has a negative connotation in WWE.

Mr. McMahon held down Steve Austin and Daniel Bryan because they didn’t fit the mold of a corporate champion and Lynch has interpreted that as her fate now.

Stephanie was in the right when she said Lynch should see a doctor, but the reluctance to do so is a storytelling device to get Lynch over more.

Since Ronda Rousey still believes in acting like a professional even though she has acted the same as Lynch sometimes (like interfering in the TLC ladder match), her desires might start to line up with McMahon and Triple H.

#2 She can mention in the storyline that she entered WWE being respectful but it hasn’t been returned

If and when Rousey does turn heel, she has an easy storytelling device she can pull out of her back pocket.

Her initial intentions of competing in WWE involved being respectful of all the wrestlers backstage and working her way up to the top.

She was certainly doing just that after WrestleMania, but it has seemed that in almost every one of her feuds, she starts out calm, collected and respectful but ends up being pushed over the edge.

Rousey has tried to honour all of her opponents thus far, but they have either cockily disregarded it like Bliss or Jax or reluctantly accepted it after Rousey defeated them.

The crowd even felt some of Rousey’s wrath this week when they booed her during her segments with the Riott Squad.

You can only try something for so long, and if you don’t get the desired reaction or feel you are still being disrespected, it can easily help validate a heel turn.

Rousey has routinely been getting booed more and more lately, but she still smiles and does her best to be everything she has promised to be - respecting, honorable and a fighting champion. And she usually is all three of those things until someone pushes her over the edge.

When her attempts are not reciprocated or are laughed off by the likes of the heels, perhaps she will find things greener in the heel pasture.

#1 Paul Heyman could be her mouthpiece

If things work out like a lot of fans are hoping after WrestleMania 35, Paul Heyman might be looking for some new clients after a certain beast hopefully drops a title.

The opportunity exists after ever ‘Mania, and fans would love it, but nothing has come of it over the last few years.

Several reports emerged in October that revealed how Rousey was working closely backstage with Heyman regarding her promos. You couldn’t ask for a better teacher when it comes to spinning things on the mic.

So since those things line up with the type of client Heyman has advocated for in Brock Lesnar, it would make boatloads of sense to pair Heyman with Rousey. They respect each other and he could do most of, if not all, the talking for Rousey.

She could still cut a promo here or there, but if Heyman is doing your talking, you’re best suited to sit back and watch (or bounce around nonchalantly like Lesnar). Become a Paul Heyman Girl!

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