The most recent Telegram update that rolled out in March brought new features that allowed users to manage and prioritize their downloads, share documents, rearrange media albums before sending, and turn a channel into a TV station.
With the latest update, you’ll be able to do even more with Telegram. Here are all the key features you can expect to find in the new Telegram.
1. Custom Notification Sounds for Chats
Telegram now lets you take any short sound file or voice message from a chat and turn it into a notification tone or alert. Once these files are saved, you can use them as notification sounds and alerts. These Telegram tones work across platforms, and they’re free to use.
Files must be under 5 seconds long and no more than 300KB in size. You can also add more tones and customize sounds for individual and group chats via your Notification and Sounds settings.
2. Custom Mute Durations
Tired of relentless Telegram notifications? You now have more options to customize how long your messages stay muted. This can range from a few minutes up to several months.
With a custom mute duration, you’ll be receiving silent notifications until your set time expires. You can always undo or redo this at any time.
3. Improved Picture-in-Picture Mode on Android
With this latest update, you can now enjoy a better picture-in-picture experience on your Android device. The player window on Android has a new rounded design around the edges and allows you to pinch to zoom and tap X to close.
The improved picture-in-picture feature works across Telegram apps on iOS, macOS, and the desktop. We’ve already covered how to set up picture-in-picture mode on iPhone so that you can enjoy this new addition automatically.
4. Improved Message Translation in iOS
In-app translation on iOS often missed the mark until the latest Telegram update. It can now operate the same way as the Android app, plus the platform has added support for more languages, bringing the total to 19.
Once you tap on a text message, the Translate button will appear. You can exclude languages you’re fluent in. However, most Telegram users are reporting inaccuracies.
5. New Auto-Delete Menu in Profile Settings
You can now use the new auto-delete function to clear up any particular chat after a set period of time. Pretty neat, isn’t it?
As the name suggests, all the messages in the chat will disappear once the set time elapses. You can take advantage of this feature to increase confidentiality and reduce clutter from lengthy conversations. This is similar to Telegram’s disappearing messages feature.
6. Swipe Left Reply to Forwarded Messages
To reply to any message, all you have to do is swipe left, and Telegram will include a preview of the text in your reply. Tapping on it will take you back to the original message.
You can now do the same with forwarded messages in Telegram. Simply swipe left to reply to a forwarded message. Additionally, you can hide the sender’s name or media captions if you wish to preserve their anonymity. While at it, you can also learn how to use interactive emojis.
Swiping left to reply to messages was first introduced in 2015 by Telegram. It is now widely used in different messaging apps, including WhatsApp.
Expect More From the New Telegram
The new Telegram is packed with possibilities and new capabilities that raise the bar as far as chat messaging apps are concerned. Although some users are already reporting issues, we hope the Telegram team will fix these bugs ASAP.
Whether you use Telegram for work, business, or leisure, you can get more out of it with the latest updates. And if you’re looking for additional ways to get the most out of Telegram, you may want to check out some of the valuable features it offers.