No doubt, abs must be the target, but why can an exercise not work on other parts of the body too? We bring to you some full body workout tips that will help you lose fat in multiple areas at once.

Some pointers before you start working on this routine, there are some basic changes you need to make. Your diet is extremely crucial when it comes to sculpting your body. Cut down on artificial sugar, increase protein and fiber intake and eat sufficient quantity of healthy food.

Drink a lot of water and keep yourself hydrated as that can prevent bloating and fatigue. Remember, diet forms 70 per cent of your weight loss programs so lets pay attention to that too, over due course of time.

Right now, let us get started with a full body workout routine that will help you reduce overall fat and build muscles like a pro.

Exercise #1


This exercise works on your core, glutes, arms, back, legs and chest, all at the same time!


Step 1: Stand straight with your legs hip width apart.

Step 2: Get down into a squat position and lower yourself further down to keep your hands on the ground, right next to your feet.

Step 3: Push your feet to your back and get down in the push up position. Do a push up.

Step 4: Pull your feet forward and get in the squat position again.

Step 5: Quickly jump as high as possible and swiftly land on your toes. Your arms need to be extended over your head for this one. Repeat.

Important tip: Do this exercise for 2 minutes with 15 seconds break in the middle.

Next up: Kettle Bell Swings

Exercise #2

Kettle Bell Swings

This exercise works on your quads, shoulders, glutes, core and hamstrings.


Step 1: Stand on the floor and keep your feet shoulder width apart. Hold a kettle bell such that your palms are facing you.

Step 2: Bend forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Engage your core.

Step 3: Swing the kettle bell between your legs, bending your knees slightly.

Step 4: Push your hips forward so as to force the kettle bell up in the air. Keep it lower than your shoulder level and straighten your body.

Step 5: Lower it back down and repeat.

Important tip: Do 3 sets of this exercise with 30 reps in each.

Next up: Cross Body Mountain Climber

Exercise #3

Cross Body Mountain Climber


Step 1: Get down on the push up position with your body forming a straight line from your head to your toes. Your palm must be under your shoulder.

Step 2: Now, slowly lift your left foot, bend and bring your left knee towards your right shoulder. Keep your abs engaged through the exercise.

Step 3: Get back to the push up position and repeat with your other leg. This completes 1 rep.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

Next up: Squat Hammer Curl

Exercise #4

Squat Hammer Curl

This exercise targets your legs as it helps strengthen your thighs. It also works on your arms, chest, hips, and abs.


Step 1: Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. The dumbbells must be held vertically.

Step 2: Get in the squat position such that your thighs are parallel to the floor and go down until your dumbbells are close to the ground. Pause for 2 seconds.

Step 3: Get back up to the initial position and simultaneously bend your elbows to get the weights close to your shoulders.

Step 4: Lower the weight and repeat.

Important tip: Do 2 sets of 15 reps each.

Next up: Bear Crawl

Exercise #5

Bear Crawl

This exercise works on your thighs, calves and upper body.


Step 1: Get down on your fours, with your palms and feet on the floor and your hips in the air.

Step 2: Now, start walking forward with opposite limbs. Be quick.

Important tip: Do this exercise for 2 minutes with 20 seconds break in the middle.

Next up: Push Ups

Exercise #6

Push Ups

This exercise is very effective for your chest. Along with the chest, it also targets your core and back.


Step 1: Lie on the floor with your face down. Keep your palms close to your shoulders. Your elbows should point back and must be at 90 degrees.

Step 2: Slowly, raise your body up, with the help of your arms. Your body must make a straight line from your head to your heels throughout the exercise.

Step 3: Go down and repeat.

Important tip: Start of with 10 push-ups and increase gradually. To make it easy, you can rest your knees on the floor for added support. To make it difficult, you can do a diamond push up.

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