The air plant family includes a wide variety of plants such as Spanish moss and even pineapples!
A few popular succulents include echeveria, pincushion cactus, burro’s tail, and zebra plant.
Other houseplants that don’t need any soil include paperwhites, hyacinth, and aloe vera. Check out the houseplant section of your local nursery, garden supply store, or home improvement store. You can even order them online and have them delivered to your home.
Potting mix is a generic term that can include a wide variety of materials that are used to make them. Plants like succulents prefer dryer potting mixes such as sand and rocks, while peat moss and shredded park retain more moisture for plants that can easily dry out. You can also make your own potting mix! For a basic recipe, mix together 1 part peat moss, 2 parts compost, 1 part vermiculite, and 1 part perlite or sand in a large bucket.
Using hydroponics is also an easy way to grow plants indoors.
You can’t necessarily simply stick any plant into a container of water to grow, but if you create the right conditions, you can grow almost any plant in water.
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in a nutrient-rich solution—no soil is involved.
Don’t use purified or distilled water, which won’t provide your plant any nutrients.
Other plants that are great to grow in containers of water include oregano, rosemary, sage, English ivy, philodendron, coleus, geranium, and jade.