If you are not logged in, click Log In in the upper-right corner and sign in with the username and password associated with your Roblox account. If you do not have an account, click the green button that says Sign Up and sign up for an account.
Alternatively, you can download the Roblox Player installation file by clicking this link: http://www. roblox. com/install/setup. ashx
Roblox detects your operating systems and sends the correct version for your operating system. It can take a while for Roblox to install. The Roblox installation file installs a Roblox browser plugin, that will let you play Roblox games, and Roblox Studio, a program for designing Roblox games.
If you are not logged in, click Log In in the upper-right corner and sign in with the username and password associated with your Roblox account. If you do not have an account, click the green button that says Sign Up and sign up for an account.
Alternatively, you can go to http://www. roblox. com/download and click Download Now to download the installation file.
It can take a while for Roblox to install. The Roblox installation file installs a Roblox browser plugin, that will let you play Roblox. If you see a window instructing you to drag the Roblox. app file to the Applications folder, go ahead and do so. Roblox detects your operating systems and sends the correct version for your operating system.
You may be asked if you want to open Roblox. If prompted, click Open Roblox in the pop-up alert. If Roblox Studio does not start downloading automatically, click Download Studio in the middle of the screen. Then click the “RobloxStudioLauncher. exe” file in your Downloads folder.
If you receive an alert asking if you want to allow Roblox Studio to open a page, click Allow.
If you wait a few seconds, the file will start downloading on it’s own.