Moreover, having a strong core can improve your performance in any sport. If you want to build up those muscles and get fit quickly, read on about a few easy ab exercises for men.
Easy Ab Exercises to Get Stronger Core
Here’s a look at six such workouts:
#1 Crunch
How to do crunches:
Lie on your back with both feet flat on the floor, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, and hands behind your head. Tighten your abdominal muscles; lift your shoulders off the ground, and pull your navel towards the spine. Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position.
#2 Medicine Ball Throw
Throwing a medicine ball is one of the best ways to strengthen the core and build endurance. Medicine balls come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s important to choose the right one.
Start with a light weight, and work your way up till you are able to do at least three sets of ten repetitions without breaking form.
You should be using correct form at all times; don’t throw the ball too hard.
#3 Mountain Climber
Mountain climbers are a great exercise for the core, legs, and upper body. This is the kind of exercise that can really work you out, so be prepared to feel sore in the morning.
Mountain climbers are also a good cardiovascular workout, as they get the heart rate up pretty quickly. Here’s how it’s done:
Lie on the floor with one knee bent and the other straight. Both feet should be flat on the ground for balance. Bring both arms above your head (as if you were running). When ready to begin, jump both feet towards each other so that they’re under your chest, with both hands in front of you (like when doing push-ups). While keeping this position, extend one leg straight out behind you as far as possible—you’ll know it’s working if it hits an imaginary wall behind you. Bring it back towards where it started by bending at that knee till it touches down again before repeating the motion with the other leg. It may take some practice before you’re able to complete a full set without stopping. Keep practicing.
#4 Hanging Leg Raise
It’s done as follows:
Simply hang from a bar or rings, and raise your legs till they are parallel to the ground. Lower them back down, and repeat. If you want some added weight, have someone stand behind you with their hands on your hips while you’re doing this exercise. Make sure they’re pushing against your body so that it’s not just gravity holding up the weight of your legs; otherwise, that can be dangerous. Another option is to use a medicine ball in between two chairs. Place one chair under each leg so that the ball is at knee level when hanging from the bar (or rings) overhead.
That will allow for more intensity in each rep, as there’s less swinging room when performing them slowly than if they were done without any sort of prop underneath them.
#5 Wall Sit
Here’s how to do a wall sit:
Stand with your back against the wall. Spread your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, and point them straight ahead. Bend at the waist, and place both palms on the floor in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Make sure there’s enough space for you to slide down between your arms as far as possible without touching the ground.
#6 Side Plank
It strengthens the side muscles of the core. The side plank can be modified to make it more difficult by changing how you hold yourself up and bring one leg in front of the other, as well as switching arms to work out both sides at the same time.
To perform a standard side plank:
Lie on your side with your body straight from head to toe and bent slightly at the elbow. Make sure your hips are in line with each other and parallel to the floor. Stabilize yourself by placing one hand on top of your shoulder (or head). Keep it there throughout the exercise, while lifting up into a straight position so that only one arm touches the floor. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds before lowering down again.
The core is the most important part of the body when it comes to fitness. Working it out is also a great way to improve performance in any sport, whether that be basketball or football.
The best thing about the aforementioned exercises is that they can be done anywhere and don’t require any special equipment like medicine balls or dumbbells. So start integrating some of these moves into your daily workout routine.
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