Luckily, there are ways in which you can train yourself to stay focused on your computer until your project is complete. Here are some browsing habits to help you stay focused on your computer.
1. Make a Task List
Making a task list for your day is one of the best productivity tips you’ll come across. A task list allows you to govern your responsibilities for the day. Making a list helps you clear your mind and stay organized, so you don’t feel overwhelmed when you have to complete your tasks. Making a list also keeps you accountable for your work.
You can improve your productivity using Todoist. This is a task manager that will help you focus on your tasks, without having to get off your computer. With this tool, you can add and cancel out your tasks as you complete them.
2. Put Your Phone Away
Using your phone while you work can be very distracting. With many distractions such as social media notifications and text messages, you can find yourself spending much more time on your phone than you expected.
Luckily, there’s a way to avoid using your phone when you’re meant to be working on your PC. Flipd is a productivity app that aims to keep you on track with your goals. On this app, you can customize timers to help you work until your task is complete.
Another app you can use to stay off your phone is the Plantie app. This is a time management app that helps you stay focused by using the concept of harvesting fruits. On the app, you can grow fruits while you concentrate on a task, and if you exit the app, the task will be disrupted, and you’ll have to start all over.
Download: Flipd for Android | iOS (Free, in-app purchases available)
Download: Plantie for iOS (Free, in-app purchases available)
3. Use Productivity Extensions
There is no doubt that browser extensions are one of the best inventions, and they are extremely popular. Using extensions and add-ons is a great way to enhance your browser’s functionality. Whether you want extensions for Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge, there are a variety of tools to help you stay focused on tasks on your computer.
The best thing about add-ons, in this case, is that they will help you stay focused, and they’re right inside your browser, making them almost impossible to avoid. Whether you want help with time management, task reminders, inspiration, or just merely making work easier, there’s definitely something for you.
4. Take Small Breaks
Restoring your energy is one of the most fundamental elements of productivity. Taking small breaks in between your work can help you alleviate stress, restore your mental and physical energy, and it also gives you time to check your messages or quickly look through social media. You also need to find ways to help you maintain your mobility while you’re working.
If you need help taking breaks in between your work, you can use a break reminder desktop app. Stretchly is a break reminder app that you can use on Mac, Windows, and Linux. When you’re using Stretchly, you’ll be able to see when your next break is, and you can pause your break time if you’d like to extend it.
5. Avoid Straining Your Eyes
Computer eye strain is something that is very common. You might find yourself spending hours on end on your computer, which can result in eye strain. When you regularly use a PC, it’s important that you take care of your eyes.
Dealing with strained eyes can derail your productivity as it can make you tired, cause discomfort, and can even result in blurred vision. One of the ways to avoid eye strain from screens is by doing eye exercises during your work breaks.
Palming is an eye exercise aimed at relieving the tension from the muscles that surround your eyes. To do this exercise, you must first wash your hands, then rub them together until they feel a bit warm, then place them on top of your eyes.
Another exercise you can try is zooming. Zooming is when you practice eye focus by stretching out your thumb and focusing on it while steadily moving it closer to your face, then moving it away from your face.
6. Log Out of Other Web Apps
Having unnecessary web apps open on your PC can distract you when you need to focus on your work. From receiving notifications, to merely being tempted by the sight of those apps can derail you from being productive.
One of the ways to stay focused on your tasks is to ensure that all the tabs and web apps that are open on your PC are strictly dedicated to the task you’re working on. If you struggle to do this on your own, luckily, there’s a variety of apps and extensions to help you avoid distractions while working.
One of the extensions that you can use is BlockSite. This extension allows you to blacklist the websites that you find distracting. You can also choose to only access the websites you want to focus on and blacklist all the other websites on the internet.
Increase Productivity on Your PC
Avoiding distractions and focusing on your computer seems like an easy task to do. However, it isn’t always that easy. Building the habit of discipline can benefit you in the long run.
Fortunately, you have the above-mentioned tips to help you build habits to stay focused on your computer. It doesn’t end there; the great thing about working on your computer is that there are so many tools available to enhance your experience and boost your productivity.