Whether you’re trying to lose pot belly or just tone your arms, these plyometric exercises can help get you there.

Plyometric Exercises for Belly Fat

Here’s a look at six such exercises:

#1 Jumping Jack

It’s a simple exercise but very effective in burning fat.

To do a jumping jack:

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and arms by your sides. Jump up, and spread your legs apart while clapping your hands above your head. Bring your legs back together in one fluid motion as you bring your arms down to the sides of the body to complete one repetition. Do 15 repetitions — or more if you feel like it.

This exercise is ideal for beginners because it doesn’t require any equipment or special clothes, so anyone can do it.

If you’re new to fitness or have never done this exercise before, start with five sets of ten repetitions before trying higher numbers, such as 15 reps per set (three total sets).

#2 Plyo Push-Up

Plyometric push-ups are an effective exercise to lose belly fat. They can be done on a soft surface, such as grass, your bed or carpet, or even on a yoga mat.

To do this exercise:

Start in a standard push-up position but with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and feet together. Lower yourself down till your chest touches the ground, and propel yourself upwards by pushing off of the ground with both hands simultaneously. As you push yourself up, clap your hands, and immediately place them in the starting position. Repeat for 8-12 reps at least three times per week for the best results.

#3 Single-leg Deadlift to Jump

The single-leg deadlift to jump is a plyometric exercise that involves rapidly lowering and immediately raising yourself back up.

This movement requires the use of the quadriceps and glutes, as well as work from the hamstrings, calves, and lower back. The recommended number of repetitions for this exercise is 10-20 per set, with three sets being ideal. For the best results, take a 60-90 second break between each set.

Here’s how it’s done:

Start by getting into a single-leg deadlift. Move your body forward, and lower yourself down so that one leg can pop up behind you. Complete a rep, and jump with both your legs. Reset and repeat.

#4 Squat Jump

Squat jumps are essential for building a strong core and solid quads. This exercise is a good mix of lower body strength training, cardio, as well as core training.

It’s done as follows:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down to 90 degrees, keeping your back straight. Jump up as high as you can while maintaining a straight back. Try to land softly on the ground, and repeat for the recommended reps and sets.

#5 Burpee

A burpee is a compound exercise that can be used to warm up, increase endurance, or build strength. In its most basic form, it involves squatting down and jumping as high as possible while clapping your hands above your head.

Here’s how you do one:

Stand tall, and jump till your feet are off the ground. As you land, try to move seamlessly into a push-up position, and extend your legs out behind you. Do a push-up, and curl your legs back in. Jump back up, and perform a few reps.

#6 Box Jump

Beginners should start with a low box and work their way up to higher boxes as they become more comfortable. Box jumps should never be performed too quickly or explosively, as that can lead to injury.

Box jump repetitions should not exceed one or two per set. It’s also advisable to refrain from performing box jumps close on the heels of an intense workout (i.e., if you did squats or deadlifts earlier in the day). That’s because it could make it more difficult for your muscles to recover properly before your next strength training session.

It’s done as follows:

Try and keep some distance between the box and yourself. Jump as high as you can with both feet simultaneously. Land with the edges of your heels, and jump back down.


We hope this article has been helpful for knowing about the best plyometric exercises to lose belly fat.

These movements are great for improving strength and endurance, which can lead to an overall better body composition. If you’re looking for more information on how to get started with plyometrics, consult a trainer or tag along with a gym buddy, and get started.

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