The WWE fans aren’t so forgiving when it comes to pushing the unfinished product. The WWE machine keeps churning out stars that have the look, but not necessarily the verbiage or the polished in-ring skills that the fans demand. However, there are stars in the company who can hold their own on the microphone, as well as in the ring but continue to linger in the mid card.

Today, we take a look at the top six mic workers/talkers in WWE.

#6 Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon has embraced her role and has made it her own. Couple of years ago, Stephanie was still basking in Triple H’s glory, but with the fact that Triple H is currently written out of storylines, Stephanie has had to step up and take up the role of being the top heel in the company.

While her on-screen role has changed since WrestleMania, the way Stephanie has responded to the challenge has been top notch.

One has to understand that putting Stephanie in a tweener role puts her in a predicament. In a day and age where the performers have to control the emotions of the crowd, Stephanie has played her part to perfection.

While the fans haven’t been easy to deal with, Stephanie in her recent promos has proved once again that she is more than capable of filling Vince’s shoes once he walks away from the organization.

Stephanie is undoubtedly one of the best female talents in the company today and has been proving it every week.

#5 Paul Heyman

The only reason why Heyman ranks so low is because he seldom shows up on WWE programming. With Brock Lesnar working limited dates, Paul Heyman isn’t seen around as often anymore, which is a crying shame. With Lesnar now competing at UFC 200, we can only see Lesnar and Heyman during the build up to SummerSlam later this year.

Paul Heyman has consistently been the best talker in professional wrestling, and it is said that there is no other performer who can sell a PPV fight quite like Heyman.

Heyman has the innate ability to take an underwhelming card and sell it as if it is the greatest PPV of the year, and WWE has sorely missed someone of Heyman’s caliber. While WWE tried pairing Heyman up with Cesaro, their association didn’t work; perhaps Heyman cannot be put together with any random superstar.

So it would seem that we need to wait till mid July or August to see Heyman, with his Beast, back on WWE TV.

#4 Dean Ambrose

One superstar who has won over the fans with his mic work and his in-ring abilities is Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was considered to be the one who would leave Seth and Roman Reigns behind, but as it turned out, both Seth and Roman Reigns have won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship while Dean continues to linger in the mid card.

Ambrose was the “chosen one” during the Roman Reigns - Brock Lesnar - Dean Ambrose feud by the WWE fans, but with company handpicking Reigns as the next face of the company, Ambrose had to settle for other rivalries.

Although Dean lost at WrestleMania, his victories over Jericho ensured that he continued his momentum, while the promos exchanged between them proved once again that Ambrose should be in the main event.

Ambrose is one of the favorites to win the Money In The Bank Ladder match, although it remains to be seen what WWE has in store for the Lunatic Fringe.

#3 Enzo Amore

Enzo Amore is one of the most entertaining stars on the roster, and was tipped to be a big star on the main roster even while he was working on NXT. Enzo’s verbal skills are second to none, and while he has been paired with Big Cass, Enzo has proved time and again that he could have a successful solo career.

The “Smack talker, Skywalker” has impressed the WWE fans with his promos, and ranks at the top when it comes to microphone skills in the company.

There have been rumors about WWE splitting up the team soon, and while Cass has the “WWE look”, Enzo will do just fine on his own with his ability to get over purely on his gift of gab.

As long as Enzo Amore has a microphone in his hand, he will continue to be in the spotlight. However, it would do Enzo and Cass a world of good if they pursue the tag team gold before they go their separate ways.

#2 Kevin Owens

When we talk about “true heels” in the company today, Kevin Owens’ name will top the list. While the “smart fans” chant for Owens, his ability to make just about anyone hate him, is unparalleled.

Kevin Owens is probably the only superstar in the company today who could make the fans chant “USA”, while wrestling a Canadian opponent. Other than the fact that Owens continues to be one of the most entertaining stars in the company, he is regarded as the future of the organization.

Very few superstars can hold their own against John Cena, and Owens did it with ease during his main roster debut. This puts Owens at number two on our list.

Chris Jericho

Much like fine wine, Chris Jericho keeps getting better with age. The number one spot was a toss-up between Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho, but with the recent body of Jericho’s work, he deserves to be at the top.

One has to admire the promo work of Jericho, who has managed to change himself with time, and knows better than anyone else how to toy with the emotions of the fans.

Chris Jericho is a perfect example of an old school worker knowing how to turn the fans either in his favor or against him. Most of the younger superstars, including Charlotte get overwhelmed because of the fans, and Chris Jericho had showed time and again just how to deal with their chants.

WWE fans can sometimes get on the nerves of the superstars, and how you deal with the crowd separates good workers from the true greats.

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