You may not have heard of hip dips or even considered them an issue until recently. Yet, as unrealistic beauty standards begin to gain visibility, hip dips have been added to the list of so-called “flaws” that require correction.
Despite the recent interest in eliminating hip dips, they are perfectly normal and not something you should or can eliminate. In truth, hip dips are largely influenced by your genetics and physique, both factors that cannot be altered.
However, if you would like to reduce the appearance of hip dips, you can attempt the following exercises to achieve your goal.
Exercises for Hip Dips
The exercises mentioned below will work out the various muscles in your hips, buttocks, and thighs. This can help you reduce the appearance of hip dips.
1. Standing Side Leg Lifts
Standing leg raises strengthen the muscles on the sides of the hips and the buttocks, which may help reduce hip dips. Additionally, you will feel a nice stretch in your inner thigh.
Tip: Ensure the movement is regulated and constant. Avoid jerking or rushing the motion and keep your body straight. Avoid leaning to either side.
Here’s how you should do it:
With your left side close to a table, chair, or wall, stand with your body facing forward and look ahead. Using your left hand for balance and support, plant your left foot firmly on the ground and lift your right foot off the ground slightly. Exhale and carefully elevate your right leg to the side while maintaining forward-facing toes. As you exhale, lower your leg slowly. Perform 12 leg raises on each side.
2. Standing Kickback Lunges
This exercise is excellent for promoting body balance and stability. It exercises your thighs and glutes, and can help you reduce hip dips.
Tip: Ensure that your core, front leg, and foot remain engaged for the duration of the position.
Here’s how you should do it:
Begin by standing upright, with your hands placed in front of your chest in prayer position. Now lunge forward with your left leg, assuming the lunge position with both your legs bent at right angles. Dig in through the heel of your front leg, and shifting your weight forward, move forward as if to stand up straight. Now raise your back leg behind you in a straight and controlled motion. Then, bring your back leg down as you fall back into the lunge position again. Do 12 lunges, followed by the kickbacks. Repeat on the opposite side.
3. Squats
Squats are an excellent exercise for toning the thighs, hips, and butt. This exercise will help you build lower body muscle, which can help reduce hip dips.
Tip: Ensure that your back is straight and your toes are pointed forward. Use your abdominal muscles for additional support.
Here’s how you should do it:
Your feet should be slightly wider than your hips. Exhale as you slowly lower yourself into a chair-like position. Inhale and rise to your feet. Repeat 12 times. On the final repeat, maintain the lower stance and pulse 12 times up and down.
4. Fire Hydrants
This exercise focuses on the outside of your thighs, hips, and side buttocks. It can help reduce hip dips.
Tip: Maintain an even weight distribution between your hands and knees. Place a dumbbell behind your knee to increase the level of difficulty.
Here’s how you should do it:
Begin on all fours, in the table top position. Ensure that your hands are directly beneath your shoulders and that your knees are directly below your hips. Exhale as you raise one leg, forming a 90-degree angle with the other. Keep your knee bent. Inhale as you lower your leg back down slowly. Keep your knee from touching the ground before lifting it once more. Perform this motion 15 times. On the final repeat, before lowering your leg, pulse it 10 times in the top position. Repeat on the opposite side.
5. Side Curtsy Lunges
This pose strengthens the thighs and the sides of the buttocks.
Tip: Keep your front foot’s toes facing forward. Ensure that you are indeed stepping to the side. These lunges can also be performed while holding a weight.
Here’s how you should do it:
Begin by putting your feet together while standing. Raise your right leg behind your left leg by bringing it behind it. Lower your right knee towards the floor to assume a curtsy lunge position. Return to the starting position by standing back up and aligning the right foot with the left. Repeat on the opposite side. Do 15 lunges on each side.
6. Standing Side-to-Side Squats
These squats target the outer thighs, buttocks, and hips. Maintain a low butt during these squats. These squats can also be performed with ankle weights. Performing this exercise is also likely to reduce your hip dips.
Here’s how you should do it:
Begin by standing upright with your feet close together. Assume a squatting position. Move to the right with your right foot. Then, as you straighten your knees and stand erect, bring your left foot to meet your right foot. Next, step to the left with your left foot while squatting. Bring your right foot across to meet your left foot, and then stand upright. Perform 10 squats on each side.
Include these exercises in your daily routine and perform them regularly to reduce your hip dips.
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