But first, let us make one thing very clear, it is just not the exercises that count. Cardio is very crucial. Incorporate a 40-45 minutes cardio session and do it at least 6 days a week. This will help you lose overall body fat. Let us look at some cardio alternatives that you can choose from:
Running or walking: Not only is it seen as an amazing stress buster, but it is also one of the most effective ways to lose total body fat. Find yourself a good stretch and get on with it. Include interval training in some way or the other. That is, run for a specific period and then follow it up with a brisk walk. Continue this cycle for the fixed time period.
Skipping: Jumping rope is an exercise that every athlete does. It not only tests your stamina, but it also trains almost every part of your body.
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Swimming: This not only helps you build muscles but it also looks into developing your cardiorespiratory functions. Swimming helps burn calories without really putting a lot of strain on your joints.
Stationary cycling: This equipment is a one-time investment and can help you go a long way, not literally! It is fun and helps you lose a lot of calories in a limited time period.
Kickboxing: This is an alternative for which you might need some help initially. Nevertheless, it is very effective.
Once we have discussed some cardio exercises that you must try and include in your workout regime, let us get into an abs workout that will help you get ripped.
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Exercise #1
Bicycle Crunches
Step 1: Lie down on the floor and extend your legs in front of you.
Step 2: Now, place your hands behind your head and lift your legs off the ground, bend your knees at a 90 degrees angle and get in the tabletop position.
Step 3: Pull your upper body off the ground. Bring your left elbow and your right knee towards your chest. Simultaneously, extend your left leg out.
Step 4: Get back to the initial position and repeat for the other side.
Do this exercise for 3 minutes and make sure that your movements are quick.
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Exercise #2
Towel Rollout
Step 1: Get down on all your fours such that your wrists are under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. Place towels under your palms.
Step 2: Keep your legs stationary, engage your abs and push your upper body out. Go as far as you can.
Step 3: With the help of your abs, pull your body in to get back to the initial position. Repeat.
Do 2 sets of 10 reps each. This can be difficult at first but you will be just fine in no time!
Exercise #3
Flutter Kicks
Step 1: Lie down flat on the floor and extend your legs in front of you. You can either keep your arms by your side or behind your head.
Step 2: Lift both your legs off the floor. Now, raise one leg higher than the other and get back to the initial position. Quickly repeat the same motion for the other side and switch again. Keep your abs engaged throughout the exercise.
Do this exercise for 3 minutes with breaks in the middle.
Exercise #4
Russian Twists
Step 1: Sit on the floor and bend your knees to place your feet on the ground. Hold a dumbbell with both hands.
Step 2: Lift your legs off the floor and bend your upper body backwards such that you are sitting on your hips.
Step 3: Rotate your torso to the left and keep the dumbbell close to your chest. Come back to the initial position and repeat for the other side. This makes 1 rep.
Do this exercise for 2 minutes and do not curl your back.
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Exercise #5
Step 1: Lie down on the floor and extend your legs in front of you and your hands behind your head.
Step 2: Engage your abs and lift your arms, shoulder, head and legs off the floor. Try to touch your toes with your fingers. Remember to keep your legs straight and together throughout.
Step 3: Get back to the initial position and repeat.
Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.
Exercise #6
Leg Raises
Step 1: Lie down on the floor and keep your legs straight in front of you. Place your palms under your hips.
Step 2: Slowly, lift both your legs off the floor and go until they point towards the ceiling. Keep them together and do not bend your knees.
Step 3: Lower them back down but stop when they are a few inches away from the ground. Repeat.
Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.
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