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Super Peoplelayers superpowers on top of realistic gun combat, resulting in a hybrid shooter that stands apart from the crowd. Though the game incorporates many tropes from other battle royales, it differentiates itself in several ways that can take some getting used to. With multiple characters to learn and ways to play, there are countless ways to win. Here are some essential tips to get beginners up to speed.
6 Grab An Energy Bar
Stopping for a snack in the middle of a heated gunfight might be a bad idea, but in Super People energy bars are something that players need. There are three types: Speed, Defense, and Power. Speed Energy Bars grant the player a buff to their movement speed, which is helping for outrunning the storm as well as for map rotations. Defense Energy Bars reduce incoming damage and increase Helmet and Vest Durability. Power Energy Bars increase the player’s damage.
Having a ready supply of energy bars is important, but knowing when to use them is just as valuable. Randomly using a Power Energy Bar is a waste if the player doesn’t get into a fight soon. Always plan energy bar usage to fit the needs of the current match and the strengths of one’s chosen character.
5 Know Your Character
Unlike other battle royales in which different characters are basically just glorified cosmetics, Super People takes character selection seriously. Every character has a set of three red, three blue, and three green perks, and knowing how to use these perks effectively is a key part of one’s strategy. Perks will unlock over the course of the match as the player levels up, so the longer the player survives, the more they (and their enemies) will have to work with.
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It’s worth taking some time to read perk descriptions before trying out a new character as it can make the learning process a bit easier, but in the end there’s no substitute for getting some practical experience in a real match. Whether one is making tactical use of smoke to escape an enemy’s attention or using gas to flush enemies from cover, perks can shape everything about how one plays. The sooner one learns to make the most of them, the better.
4 Use Capsules Right Away
Capsules are another unique mechanic that makes this battle royale a bit easier for beginners. Given the importance of perks, it makes sense that players would want to unlock them as fast as possible. It’s for that reason that players won’t want to hesitate when they find the various colored capsules scattered throughout the map. These capsules help unlock perks and make the character stronger, so use them right away.
Capsules are color-coded to show the kind of perk they unlock. While and Gold Super Capsules increase the level of random perks while also moving the player closer to unlocking their super ability. Unlike energy bars which should be hoarded and consumed only at the right moment, use capsules at the first opportunity to power up more quickly and get the edge over the enemy.
3 Personalize Your Supply Crate
Every player has a personal Supply Crate that can be found during the match. It contains their specialized weapon, making that character more effective on the battlefield, but it can also be personalized to contain other items of the player’s choosing. The player can do this via the Armory menu between matches.
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Putting additional expensive items in the Supply Crate will increase its cost but will also give the player advantages they wouldn’t otherwise have. It’s up to each player to decide what supplies will serve them best over the course of a match. The Supply Crate can contain up to five items, so whether the player wants to bring capsules, first-aid kits, emergency kits, or something else, there’s a lot of room to play around with custom loadouts.
2 Equip The Right Attachments
An unmodded gun can be enough to win, but the more one improves one’s gear, the more likely victory is. Super People includes a variety of gun mods that are scattered around the battlefield with the rest of the loot. It’s worth taking a few seconds to make sure the player isn’t leaving any valuable mods behind when they exit an area, as they can be quite impactful.
Any mods that the player can use with their current weapons automatically project a halo of light when lying on the ground. This makes it easy to separate mods that will improve the player’s loadouts from those that will only take up space and waste the player’s time. Always keep an eye out for the light of useful mods when looting an area. After all, anything that speeds up the looting process will reduce the likelihood of getting shot while inspecting gear.
1 Know How To Drop
Most battle royales begin the same way: all the players cruise over the battlefield in an aircraft of some kind, waiting for their destination to get close enough before they glide down to the ground and get into the action. Super People is no different on this front, but it does over a couple of options that players can take advantage of to make the most of their drops. When dropping, the player can use Quick Dive to drop straight down instead of gliding most of the way to their target location.
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When the player is close enough to the ground, the Cut Parachute option will appear. Cutting the parachute allows the player to carry some of their momentum with them when they hit the ground, and though the speed may not seem like much, it can make the difference between getting to the loot first or second. The player doesn’t take fall damage when cutting their parachute either, so the player can fall without fear.
Super People is available for PC.
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