Continuously expending intellectual energy in this way without taking time to rest can often run you aground. Instead of the usual thrill of a job well done, you may sometimes end up feeling completely sapped of inspiration and our usual zeal. What’s happened?
Burnout is characterized by a loss of focus, direction, and engagement with your work and made only worse by detachment, fatigue, and feelings of hopelessness. More than a sense of exhaustion after a demanding day, the agitating fog from burnout envelops your entire life.
To help you prevent burnout, or to overcome it, we’ve put together this list of tips to inspire a healthy lifestyle, stay connected with friends, find opportunities to grow, and more.
FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download the How to Overcome and Recover From Burnout Cheat Sheet.
50 Ways to Help Prevent or Overcome Burnout
Never Find Yourself in a Rut Again
Part of burnout recovery is knowing yourself and your own personal symptoms. The other half? Taking the required steps to set yourself up for success. Planning your life around pitfalls that trigger you is made even easier when helpful apps and other tools are factored into the equation.
And, if all else fails, we always recommend taking a step back when the going gets rough. Nothing gets you back on track like a moment of pause after the storm has already passed.