This much was revealed during a press interview that 50 Cent had with GameSpot to promote the new dramatic thriller film Den of Thieves. When asked if he had the desire to make another video game at some point in the future, Jackson replied, “Definitely I’m interested. I may do something based on the concept that I developed for Tomorrow, Today,” which is an upcoming show on Starz–the network wherein 50 Cent already executive produces and stars in the show Power.
For those unaware, Tomorrow, Today is reportedly about a veteran who winds up gaining super powers after being experimented on by a prison doctor. Although little else is known about the forthcoming show besides the brief synopsis, the concept doesn’t sound half-bad as the foundation for a video game’s plot. After all, there are definitely much stranger premises for games out there.
50 Cent went on to say that whatever form his next game takes, it will “have to be extreme.” Jackson then explained further, saying, “I just have to find the right concept. Everything I touch, I want to be unique. I want it to be special. And I put thought into it, because those things will be here longer than I would…when I come up with [another game], I want to make sure it’s something we enjoy for a long time.”
All things considered, it will be interesting to see what kind of project will come to fruition if 50 Cent decides to put out a third game. Of course, he wouldn’t be the only rapper to have their hands in the creation of a video game at the moment, as Kanye West’s Only One: The Game is presumably still in the works.
Source: GameSpot