“I got hit on the leg/arm with the ball when I was playing tennis with my friend. ” “That’s a bruise from when I got blood drawn. ” “I had to get a vaccine and it ended up leaving a bruise. ” “My friend was massaging my neck and pressed way too hard. ” “I ran into the door when I was coming in. ” “I might have gone too hard when exercising. ”
“I was straightening my hair and burned my neck with the flat iron. ” “I was waxing and made the wax way too hot. ” “I left a heating pad on for too long and it actually left a mark. ”[1] X Research source “I spilled hot coffee on myself. ”
“This necklace I was wearing pinched my neck and left a mark. ” “I hit myself pretty hard trying to kill a bug. ” “I snapped a rubber band against my skin and now there’s a mark. ”
“I got bit by a spider. ” “My cat scratched me. ” “My dog accidentally bit me when we were playing. ”
“I was trying a new foundation and my skin got irritated. ” “My skin reacted badly with the nickel in my necklace. ” “I ran into poison ivy when I was out walking. ” “It’s a side effect from the medicine I’m taking. ”[3] X Research source
“My watch was on too tight. ” “My seatbelt kept rubbing against my neck. ” “This pair of shorts I have chafes so badly. ”
“I was picking at a pimple that was behind my ear. ” “It’s an ingrown hair. ” “My skin is just naturally dry and I can’t stop scratching. ”
“It’s the stamp I got when I went to the club last night. ” “I got hit during paintball and it left a stain. ” “I was painting with watercolors and got some on myself. ” “My friend asked me to help dye their hair and some of the dye got on me. ” “It’s just dirt. ” “I dropped my makeup brush while doing my makeup and I guess it got everywhere. ”
“Oh that? It’s a port-wine stain. ”[5] X Trustworthy Source MedlinePlus Collection of medical information sourced from the US National Library of Medicine Go to source “That’s a scar from when I was younger. ”
“We were playing truth or dare. ” “I lost a bet. ” “My friend does stage makeup and wanted to test out making a fake hickey on me. ”
“I’m experimenting with wearing new accessories. ” “I don’t want my arms to tan, so I wore long sleeves. ” “I haven’t shaved my legs in a week, so jeans it is. ”
“I don’t even have a boyfriend/girlfriend. How could I possibly get a hickey?” “Believe what you want, but I think I’d remember if I got a hickey from someone. ” “Don’t you know what a hickey looks like? This clearly isn’t one. ”
“What’s a hickey?” “Are you sure? I don’t see anything. ” “Huh, that wasn’t there when I last checked. ”